La branche de produits longs de Tata Steel pourrait être vendue à un groupe anglais Greybull Capital.
Le site de Hayange (57), qui compte encore 450 salariés, fait partie du lot.
Elle permet aux deux parties d'entrer en négociations exclusives.
Les rails nouvellement traités dont destinés au marché européen.
© France 3 Lorraine.
Le communiqué officiel (en anglais) de Tata Steel
Tata Steel is announcing today the signing of a Letter of Intent with Greybull Capital to enter negotiations for the potential sale of its Long Products Europe business. Such a letter establishes a period of detailed negotiations between the parties and represents a meaningful step forward in our efforts to find a future for Long Products Europe.
Since it became standalone in August, that business has been executing a transformation plan to attract new owners able to invest and build a sustainable future. Today’s news is a credit to the belief and hard work of colleagues across Long Products Europe.
The potential sale would impact the Scunthorpe site and several downstream manufacturing facilities including in Skinningrove, Teesside and Hayange, as well as a number of distribution sites in the UK and Ireland.
The road ahead
Detailed negotiations and discussions have now begun. I am sure you realise by now these are complex and delicate processes, so it is too early to have certainty on the potential outcome or timeline involved. We will continue to work closely with trade unions and works councils and will communicate promptly any relevant news to employees.
Working with focus and urgency has been the recipe that helped Long Products Europe progress during the past months. Now all of Tata Steel must embrace that same mindset to combat the fierce market headwinds that have severely damaged our performance.
Global oversupply and imports from China are threatening the whole industry so the only way forward for us is to focus on the things we can control: satisfying customer needs, smartly reducing costs and creatively finding safe and efficient ways to work every day.
I appreciate your ongoing effort and dedication, and I thank you in advance for your urgent, focused action in the times ahead.
Le site de Hayange, en Moselle.
© René Elkaïm - France Télévisions
Informations complémentaires : CLIQUEZ ICIGreybull Capital est un fonds d'investissement basé au Royaume-Uni, qui possède des participations dans des entreprises de secteurs variés en Europe et aux États-Unis.
Sont concernés des sites de production de produits longs, souvent utilisés enconstruction ou pour les chemins de fer.
L'usine de Hayange est ainsi spécialisée dans la fabrication de rails.
"Nous traversons une période extrêmement critique pour l'ensemble du secteur et nous avons travaillé dur pour explorer toutes les possibilités pouvant offrir un avenir à l'activité de produits longs en Europe", a expliqué Karl Koehler, le directeurgénéral de Tata Steel en Europe.
"Nous allons maintenant engager des négociations détaillées avec Greybull Capital.Il est trop tôt pour préjuger avec certitude de l'issue potentielle de ces discussions", a-t-il ajouté.